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The Power of Communication
From the ability to review images across a clinic from an exam room to the OR to automatically transferring patient and exam data to and from an EHR to save time and prevent errors, the interconnectivity between imaging devices and other clinic systems is increasingly of great importance. There is no one universal way of transmitting data so Sonomed Escalon ultrasound devices provide the widest array of options to ensure our clients can unleash the Power of Communication.

Welcome to the LEO Family
The Leo family of systems consists of the VuMAX HD, VuPad, Master-Vu A systems, which all utilize the same base powerful Leo ophthalmic ultrasound software platform developed by Sonomed Escalon. Specific features and modalities vary between systems but all take advantage of the Leo software for their core functionality, including:

High Resolution Imaging with Enhanced Focus Rendering
Comprehensive Interconnectivity Functionality for Interfacing with PACS, EHRs, and Other Systems
Fast, Robust Performance with Efficient and Configurable Workflow
Advanced Analytical Tools and Features
The Leo family of systems provides unparalleled interconnectivity in ophthalmic ultrasound ensuring that the needs of today are met while also future-proofing a clinic's capital investment.
DICOM Service
The Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine (DICOM) standard is increasingly being used for ophthalmic imaging to facilitate data sharing between imaging devices, PACS, EHRs, and other systems.

Sample Interconnectivity Configuration
The Sonomed Escalon Leo family of systems offers the most comprehensive DICOM service available for ophthalmic ultrasound and is extremely flexible to facilitate maximum compatibility with other systems.

Specify Which Types of Data to Export with a Wide Array of Available SOP Classes
Set Up Multiple Automated or Manual DICOM Archives
Set Level of Image Compression
Utilize Modality Worklists
And Much More…
As evidence of their advanced DICOM capabilities, the VuMAX HD and VuPad are two of the only ophthalmic ultrasound systems validated for DICOM modality by the VHAVIDICOM Validation team and is listed as a VistA Imaging Approved DICOM Modality Interface.

Other Export Methods
Files can be exported from individual exams, manually exported in batches, or automatically archived in a number of different formats, lossless, lossy, or uncompressed... all easily configurable in the user interface. Patient demographic and exam information can be included for auto ingestion into PACS or other systems in a variety of ways including within a pdf, with a companion xml file, or in the file name with a configurable naming convention. Flexible and easily configurable - that's the Leo family of Sonomed Escalon ultrasound systems.

Specialized Interface: ICL Guru
Built upon the extensive standard output and input methods of the Leo family, Sonomed Escalon offers certain specialized interfaces for emerging technologies, including for ICL Guru, an advanced AI-powered ICL sizing calculator that estimates the appropriate size of the lens to be placed in the eye. The efficient interface facilitates guided capture of optimized UBM scans and fast upload of imaging and auto measurement data to ICL Guru in just a couple of clicks. Efficient and easy to use with powerful results - that's the Power of Communication with Sonomed Escalon.

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